Who We Are
Sassys Fitness is a one of a kind fitness experience based in Kinston, North Carolina. Throughout the years we have created an atmosphere that centers around support, motivation, encouragement, and dedication. Whether you are located in North Carolina or you are located across the US, you always feel connected.
The vision of VWC-CEO, Tekeema Parson is to get and keep the community active.
The majority of the members, like here, do not have a long history of exercise nor do they have a fitness background. They all have a common goal of becoming healthier and keeping it fun in the process.
-The hardest part of changing a fitness lifestyle is having the support necessary to be successful. -Tekeema P.
Community Service & Awareness
Every year the members of Sassys Fitness take part in several community service activities that are centered around health/fitness awareness. These activities give those in the community the opportunity to assist the less forturnate as well as receive a workout in the process.
Annual Community Service Events:
MS Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness
Canned Food Drive
Relay for Life 5k
Fitness Fun Without Barries
One of special things about Sassys Fitness is the members all believe in keeping fitness fun without out barriers such as distance, work, schedules, time, etc. Whether its road trips, online chats, virtual support, or celebrating someones transformation, there is always a way to keep fitness fun.